Monday 4 January 2016

Bridget Jones's Diary - Helen Fielding

In my last post I mentioned that one of my targets for this year is to read at least 40 books (not including rereads) and happily I've already finished one. I'm working roughly to this guide that I found last January and followed, more or less, throughout 2015.

However I'm not following it terribly closely, as I had no idea Bridget Jones's Diary was published in 1996 until I Googled it just now. Still, it's a good way to read outside of my usual taste in authors.

Bridget Jones's Diary is something of a cliché choice to start the year with, but I genuinely love the film and I think a reading challenge like this is easier if you start with a story whose ending you already know. Sure enough many of my favourite moments were there, although sadly not the bit where she eats Branston pickle out of the jar. (I mean, who doesn't have days like that?)

Over the course of this year I'm trying as much as is possible to avoid buying the books I read from Amazon (pay your taxes, guys. Come on) and instead making use of my local charity shops, independent bookshops, and library. Failing that, authors' own websites can be a great way to ensure they get a decent cut of the profits, and Bridget Jones's Diary can be bought directly from Picador here.

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